Wall Art Speakers... powerful Bluetooth sound built into beautiful canvas artwork!
Be the first in your sphere of influence to own "Wall Art Speakers" printed on canvas. Everyone will be envious!
Continue scrolling down to learn more about the technology behind the speakers. If you have decided that you must have this cool new technology combined with art, then email us to let us know that you are interested (since these are still pre-launch).

Dual Purpose: Beautiful canvas artwork on your walls! Then hidden behind the canvas is a powerful Bluetooth surround sound speaker filling the room with your favorite music!
No more ugly speakers! It comes with a long charging cord that can be charged while you sleep (just like you do your phone) and then remove the charging cord and enjoy up to 20 hours of music before needing to recharge! It's a great conversation piece, your friends and guests will notice!

Single Speaker Surround Sound
DML technology allows us to produce sound over such a large surface area that sound waves hit your ears from all angles, creating surround sound from one speaker.
Picture Perfect Sound Quality
Control the music coming through your speakers right from your smartphone or any other Bluetooth enabled device!

Evenly Distributed Sound
Cone speakers have "sweet spots" for ideal listening, and when moving around the room the sound quality will vary. DML speakers produce even sound and don't play favorites to location.

Impressively Thin
The speakers patented technology is what allows for crystal clear sound out of a 1.5 inch thick frame. The finished size will be 14.5 x 14.5 x 1.5".

Expertly Designed
We use the latest technology to print on canvas the beautiful artwork, then stretch it onto a canvas before configuring the Bluetooth speaker components.

We are interested in your feedback
Let us know what you think of this product offering, good, bad, ugly, anything! Shoot us a quick email.
How To Order A Wall Art Speaker Canvas? [Coming Soon]
You will be able to order soon, we are putting the finishing touches on adding this option to our website. Make sure to sign up for our Ambassador Club so you will be notified when this option launches.
You can also email us to let us know you want to be on the short list, when they become available.
"That's why people listen to music or look at paintings. To get in touch with that wholeness."
- Corita Kent