Title: Hide and Seek
Title: Hide and Seek
Description: This image evokes memories of childhood hide and seek games, where the thrill of hiding was often more imaginative than effective. Similarly, this Red Fox, playfully peeking from behind Aspen trunks at the base of the Maroon Bells, seems to embody the spirit of the game. With its agile nature and keen senses, the fox embodies the essence of agility and cunning, capable of navigating the landscape with ease and grace. I could almost hear the fox mutter the words... "ready or not, here I come".
Despite being only half the height of a toddler, adult red foxes are remarkably agile and capable creatures. They can effortlessly leap over fences as high as six feet, showcasing their athleticism and agility. These cunning hunters are adept at catching small rodents, such as mice, even when they burrow beneath the snow. Remarkably, they utilize the Earth's magnetic field to aid in their hunting endeavors. With speeds reaching up to 30 mph, red foxes can easily outpace predators like bears, mountain lions, and coyotes, ensuring their survival in the wild.
"Hide and Seek" is part of the Limited Edition Collection: Into the Wild - Intimate Encounters.
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