Title: Silver Falls Slip
Title: Silver Falls Slip
Description: Waterfall Creek is fed by the snowmelt and high country lakes from the south side of Alberta Peak in the Rio Grande National Forest. Alberta Peak is one of the main summit ridges of Wolf Creek Ski Area in Colorado. As Waterfall Creek makes its way to the San Juan River, it comes to a cliffs edge.... this is Silver Falls. It is magnificent and a very short hike from the trailhead, but a very long 8 mile drive on a rough road that will take you about an hour to get there from the main road (Hwy 160). The road is not maintained at all, potholes everywhere, highly recommend a higher clearance vehicle. I had to cross Creeks and Rivers, some several feet deep. But at the end of the day, it was one of my favorite waterfalls in Colorado. Well worth the journey and the cracked Neutral Density Filter that got smashed when I slipped on the wet rocks in the middle of the water flow and dropped my camera! My filter was easily replaced, but not my pride. Nobody saw the fall as I had the entire waterfall to myself!
"Silver Falls Slip" is part of the Limited Edition Collection: The Master's Canvas - Nature's Landscape.
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